Unit Eight

   1. 我进屋时,他们正在睡觉。
They were sleeping when I entered the room.

   2. 他一边吃着午饭,一边听着收音机。
He was listening to the radio while he was having lunch.

   3. 李明,不知你出去时能不能替我买一份报纸?
   I was wondering, Li Ming, if you could buy a newspaper for me when you're out.

   4. 他走得太快了,连他夫人都没注意到。
He was walking so fast that he did not even notice his wife.

   5. 当时,我正站在这个拐弯处,看到了这场交通事故。
At that time, I was on the corner and saw the accident. 
     Three people were badly injured.  They were screaming in pain.

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